By “this”, Harrabin meant Boris Johnson’s claim that the planet is at “one minute to midnight”. Reporting from Cop26 in Glasgow, he complained about “the fishing dispute that’s rumbling on which is taking away the headlines from this”.
He took a very similar line to our street preacher. Yesterday, I heard another bearded prophet, Roger Harrabin, the BBC’s environment analyst, on the Today programme. In his view, Jesus’s imminent arrival should be mentioned to the exclusion of all other subjects. Why did Mr Phillips not announce this, he wanted to know, whenever he appeared on television? I tried to defend Mr Phillips, saying that he was a good Christian, but the bearded gentleman was having none of it.
We were approached by a man with a beard who cried out that Jesus Christ is coming to save the world. The other day, I was standing in a London street chatting to Trevor Phillips, the former head of the Commission for Racial Equality.